Saturday, 24 March 2012

Change of plan, ART!

You know, I do too much bitching about work and not enough celebrating individuality and art.

So after a grand total of what, 3 work related posts? I'm changing the context of this blog. I'll keep the name just because I'm too lazy to change it, but I will dedicate this blog to fashion, style, art, crafts and celebrating my wonderful friends and who I am.

I'm quite rather excited. I know I only have one reader (and I love her so dearly, she's a sister to me) but I'm terrified of clogging up my Tumblr and Facebook and Twitter with my fangirling and being all AHH GIVE ME ATTENTION so I'll just put this sort of thing on my blog more often when I feel like sharing this sort of thing.

A few years ago I was really into writing. And drawing and painting and all sorts of lovely artsy things. And I kind of lost it. It's come back because of Sherlock by the BBC. I love every aspect of the show and of the fandom. It's just brilliant, and it's inspired me.

I've done a few portraits, I've made a few hats, I'm writing again, and today I took on my first water colour since I was about 16.

A few weeks ago I got this idea in my head.

Sherlock. Brits. Hot black coffee and steaming cups of tea. Tobacco and scarves and pipes and long coats.  I'm enamoured with the fashion and with the idea of smells.

I decided since I love to do portraits, it would only make sense if I used one of these beautifully defining materials to paint Sherlock's (Benedict Cumberbatch's) lovely face. Because I'm not shallow at all. He's fucking beautiful, kay? XD

Anyway, so I went out and I bought some heavy duty watercolour paper, some brushes and a basic water colour set. I also went out and bought 40 disposable shot glasses.

When I got home (and redyed my hair) I boiled a heap of water and started making pigments out of coffee and various teas. Intense black tea, orange pekoe, lemon and honey, green tea, and wild berry tea.

I had 30 shot glasses, 6 different beverages and 5 shades of each. My lounge room smelled delicious.

I messed up the proportions of his face a bit, and his hair (hair is so difficult for me) but here is my final result.

Everything is tea and coffee, but for the darker shades in his hair, his eyebrow, the blue in his eyes, the black of his nostril and the black inside his mouth- those are watercolour. I wanted to do as little as possible with the actual water colours, but I could not get my coffee dark enough to do what I needed.